Sierra Gorda / Policy Tailings Policy in Force


At Sierra Gorda SCM we prioritize the safety and sustainability of our operations, always looking for continuous improvement and innovating in practices that ensure the social and environmental care of our surroundings.

In 2020 the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), published the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM), which we have been implementing since 2022 in response to incorporating best practices for the safe and responsible management of mine tailings, addressing their entire life cycle.



It is the first global standard for new, existing and future tailings facilities.

This model integrates social, environmental, economic and technical considerations, covering from site selection to closure and post-closure of facilities.





To date, we have worked progressively, and in accordance with GISTM requirements. Know its development:

1. Installation of our tailings deposit

Located approximately 4.5 km northwest of Sierra Gorda, our tailings deposit is designed to be physically and chemically stable, ensuring the safety of our community and the environment.


2. Classification by consequences

We identify the potential consequences downstream of the tailings deposit, that is, in areas in front of the deposit.

In case of a hypothetical failure, our facilities have a ‘Significant’ classification, which implies minimal exposure to risk.



3. Risk Assessment

We perform a strict analysis of the possible risks in tailings facilities. A team of experts assesses these risks to manage them and prevent emergencies. In our commitment to safety, we have identified critical controls and measurement frequencies to ensure tailings deposit safety.


4. Social and environmental impact

As part of the implementation, we have assessed how our activities impact socially, economically and environmentally. We also analyze how vulnerable we could be to a hypothetical failure of the walls of the tailings deposit, making sure to identify and protect the exposed elements.


5. Design of the tailings installation

We designed our tailings deposit with walls that surround the entire installation. These are built in stages to ensure there is always sufficient storage capacity.

The distance between the maximum height of the walls and the height of the tailings should be at least 1 meter. We constantly monitor to maintain security and measurements up to date.


6. Performance reviews

Each year we engage independent experts to review the performance and safety of our deposit to ensure that our facilities remain safe and efficient.


7. Environmental and Social Monitoring Program

Through our Manual of Environmental and Social Management System [Manual del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental y Social (ESMS)], we identify and care for natural resources such as air quality, waste management, flora and fauna, among others.


8. Emergency Response Plan [Plan de Respuesta ante Emergencias (PPRE)

We clearly define the responsibilities and actions to be followed in case of emergencies. This plan includes our community, ensuring everyone knows how to act quickly and efficiently. During 2024 we will continue to generate actions to inform and further involve our neighbors of Sierra Gorda in this plan.


9. Dates of Independent reviews

An independent review provides a technical review of the design, construction, operation, closure and management of the tailings facilities.


10. Financial standing

Our closing plan, authorized by SERNAGEOMIN, ensures safe closing of the work site, including the tailings deposit. This plan assesses socio-environmental risks and details the necessary works and measures, as well as post-closure activities, to protect the community, our people, and the environment.


See our Tailings Policy in force.

See the Policy (PDF)