Sierra Gorda / Innovations Salt Crust


Another constant focus of attention in our company is easing the impact of tailings. We have incorporated an important innovation related to the formation of salt crust, which is generated naturally on the surface of the tailings derived from the use of salt water in the operation.

Among its benefits is the natural sealing of the surface, which prevents the generation of pollution due to wind erosion. This is explained by the high resistance of salt to erosion, which helps prevent the unconsolidated material in the tank from being carried away by the wind. In addition, it has low porosity and permeability to water and air, which makes it a very insulating material.

To facilitate the formation of this crust, it is used a method whereby multiple simultaneous low-flow discharges are made, which spread the tailings in wide thin layers, seeking to minimize the impacts.

Also, the area where the deposit is located is very convenient from a sustainable point of view. It is located immediately next to the concentrator plant, which significantly reduces energy consumption in transport. In addition, as there are no communities or commercial activities nearby, there are no risks that they may be affected.