Sierra Gorda / Environment Waste Handling


Sierra Gorda SCM has a waste management plan that incorporates the integral management of the solid waste generated in the processes and services of the Company. It is important to mention that we maintain the management of a landfill site, in which waste assimilable to domestic waste is deposited and that was authorized by Exempt Resolution No. 1008/2023 by the Regional Ministerial Secretary of Health.

The disposal of hazardous waste is carried out in compliance with regulation D.S. 148/2003. Similarly, non-hazardous industrial waste and recyclable waste are managed by a third party authorized by a Resolution of Final Disposal, meeting the criteria established for the REP Act, as appropriate.

The handling of waste in the site of operations includes its storage in containers or hoppers specifically arranged for these activities. In particular, domestic waste is taken to the landfill site, as authorized by Exempt Resolution No. 1008/2023, within the industrial area.