The air quality control of Sierra Gorda SCM operations is directly linked to environmental operational commitments, such as Environmental Rating Resolutions (RCAs), Particulate Material Standard 10 (MP10), and Particulate Material 2.5 (MP 2.5).
The RCA 137/2011 “Sierra Gorda Project” commits measures in the Environmental Impact Study and the Addendum, supplemented by bodies with environmental jurisdiction, which are appropriate and must be fulfilled for the implementation of the project.
For the control of emissions, the project considers the following management measures:
Full details of the environmental component measurements can be consulted in Annex 4-3.1 of Addendum No. 2 to the Environmental Impact Study of RCA 137/2011 “Sierra Gorda Project.”
For more details, please review the chapter Environment in our 2023 Sustainability Report HERE.