The strong commitment we maintain to the people and the community to which we belong is reflected in the constant pursuit of our Company to be an engine for its development and advancement. Among other goals, we aim to maintain a constant dialog with our communities through feedback and timely responses to neighbors, all with a focus on territorial relevance.
At Sierra Gorda SCM, we are aware that effective communication with our neighbors is critical to properly address inquiries, claims, and recognition.
Our goal is to strengthen communication channels and respond to community concerns.
Similarly, with the aim of knowing relevant, updated, and reliable data about the neighbors, at the end of 2023 we carried out a social study in the commune of Sierra Gorda, which aimed to compile the needs of its inhabitants, in order to design programs that are of genuine interest and relevance to citizens.
The study was census-based, based on face-to-face surveys conducted in each household in the commune, carried out between 15 November 2023 and 6 January 2024, achieving a coverage of 92% which corresponds to 504 households of Baquedano and Sierra Gorda.
The findings were shared with the entire community and will serve to implement community projects based on objective and reliable data.
Among the main responses collected, it is worth noting the high value that the community has placed on the Community Trainee Program. 60% of respondents said that one or more of their household members would be willing to participate in this initiative, which does not require mining experience or training. In addition, more than 40% of people consider mining the main pole of professional and economic development.
The questionnaire was prepared by the Sierra Gorda Community Team SCM with the support of an external consultant, adapting to local reality the indicators of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and other recognized institutions.
Based on the Social Study, we updated the community relationship strategy, defining four new pillars: Health, Education, Environmental and Employability, which emerged from a consultation with neighbors about their expectations about the focus of future contributions in this community by Sierra Gorda SCM.