Responding to the real needs of the neighbors and having a long-term view is the main focus of our social investment, that is why we work together with social organizations and stakeholders to develop projects that provide community value. As Sierra Gorda SCM we stand out for implementing all community initiatives in a collaborative manner with important community actors, from their identification, development and closure.
At the same time, our social investment seeks to mitigate or compensate for potential negative impacts and maximize positive impacts of the presence of the Company. Social investment in the frontline is focused on the four axes declared in this strategy, namely, health, education, employability and the environment. However, projects outside these areas can be admitted, especially those that seek to equalize opportunities, include vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, or that have a bearing on local culture and identity.
The contribution in the area of social investment generally does not contemplate the transfer of financial funds but the purchase of the good or service requested for an Organization that has a valid legal entity, formalized by a collaboration agreement.
As part of the relationship and direct work on the ground, the Communities team identified community initiatives with a positive impact on neighbors and aligned with the strategy of the Company. These, according to social investment procedures, were analyzed by the Communities team for subsequent presentation and evaluation at the management level.